The 4/14 is an international movement partnering with the global church and networks around the world to effectively engage this generation of children and youth.

We know that we are better together. We believe that God’s dream for the emerging generation is so big that no one organization can alone accomplish His vision.

We link arms with those churches, movements, and networks who hear the same call to reach, rescue, root, and release children and youth around the world.

We encourage local churches to strive for a growing work among children and families in their church and community.


We accomplish this shared vision through credible research-based advocacy.


We seek to provide tools for the church to train and release passionate, qualified champions and leaders for effective ministry to children and youth.


We partner with churches to help connect them with networks that have relevant resources and models that empower the now generation to bring God’s kingdom into their sphere of influence.

Through our strategic partnerships with like-minded movements and networks, we serve the Church as they endeavor to cultivate a child’s spiritual development by holistically reaching, rescuing, rooting, and releasing everyone.

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