Adiya, 16 years old
I didn’t understand what Christianity was about during my early childhood. I came to church with my mother when I was 9. As I grew up, I began to sense the difficulties of life.
My dad and grandmother were against us visiting the church, and there was a moment when I wanted to leave the church. I doubted God and my faith. I was completely surrounded by my unbeliever friends.
During that time, my mentor stood there with me. She spent time with me, paid attention, and showed me an example of being a real follower of Jesus. I am grateful for my mentor and thank her that I am still in the church today.
Now, I am one of the leaders of our youth ministry. I am also a mentor and it’s been four years since I gave my life to serving God with my whole heart.

Katya, 15 years old
My dad was addicted to gambling and alcohol. My grandma took a bold step to send him to a rehabilitation center in Almaty. We committed to becoming part of a church. My experience of being committed to a church was what helped me begin to understand who God is. My sister invited me to become one of the leaders of the adolescent ministry.
Naturally, there have been difficulties in my life, but my parents, mentor, leader, and my team have been guiding and helping me. They are my biggest supporters and greatest inspiration in serving God. I witness their purposeful lives and excellent attitude in ministry. They are the real examples that encourage me to keep on and not give up.
Six months ago, I was baptized. I decided to commit my life to following God no matter what comes my way.

Tamirlan, 16 years old
My sister took me to church when I was 9 years old. I came only to receive the gifts that were given to celebrate the holiday. But I enjoyed the children’s ministry at the church and my sister started to take me with her. She moved out of our home, and sometimes she forgot about me. When that happened, I began to ride my bike to the church.
In 2015, there was a youth camp that I got to attend. On the last day of the camp, I made a decision to accept Jesus into my heart and I dedicated my life to Him! Since then I have been living for Him. Now, I am one of the leaders of youth ministry. Praise the Lord!

Enlik, 16 years old
I was a casual church-goer from an early age. I enjoyed spending my time in the children’s ministry. But I did not realize what it meant to be a Christian for real. I continued to go to church, only to feel lost, not finding my place there.
One day I was asked: “Would you like to become a teenage leader?” I decided to accept because it was something new for me. It was there that I learned more about God, about true Kingdom’s principles, and about real Christian life.
Recently, I decided that I will follow my God and get baptized. Today, we have a whole team of teenagers who are ignited in serving God. We have a goal to influence other children so that they would dedicate their lives to the Lord, too.